Be as self-sufficient as possible, produce and consume everything locally. Use roads as your only external connection. To be able to play Industries while this bug persists, I decided to embrace it: THE NORTH KOREA CHALLENGE! It's very odd behavior.įor me, commercial buildings accept the products of unique factories just fine. Once I connected to another exit, it flowed again. It caused everything to fill up and nothing left. It worked for a while but then the zone seemed to want to export to other neighboring connections (even though they weren't accessible due to the isolated setup). The key is to isolate entirely from the road network to see the behavior.Īlso, might be related, but I set up a dedicated road connection out of my isolated area to send off by truck only. I could actually toggle it back and forth repeatedly to replicate.īarrygreybeard, could it be that you are getting enough truck traffic using other routes to make it look as though it's working? Might be on my end but I'll try to test it more. As soon as I disabled the local cargo station and attached a road to the main road network, income came in. I ran it for a while and the isolated farming area had zero income. Trucks merrily loaded the train, the train went to the edge and converted back to trucks and exited the map. At the map edge, the cargo station connected to the highway (only allowing exit outside of map and back to that station, not back into town).

I made an isolated farming (no road connection) area and setup a station to station cargo train.